15 March 2013

When you can't quite make a decision..

I'm attending a meeting/discussion with the lovely ladies of MyFashionShop tomorrow, and you know when you just get complete outfit block?! Like, What do I wear? Is it a smart thing? Or casual? Or the hybrid? 

So, here's 4 outfits I have narrowed myself down to. It's really hard to figure something to wear! And throwing them out over my bed like this hasn't really helped. Well, it may have a little. I feel the spotted play suit looks best in the photographs. Every aspect of my life looks worse through the lens, I swear! 

I honestly need to get into this 'documentation in photos' habit. Others seem to find it so easy. Whereas I'm a person who just sorta, goes with the flow! The thought of whacking a camera out every minute just doesn't feel practical to me. I know I have to change that! 

Anyway, back to the point. Outfit planning is never good!